This article explains how to reset Flair devices. You might want to reset a Flair device to use in a new Flair home - or during troubleshooting.
Reset a Bridge
Soft reset: insert the end of a paperclip into the hole on the back of the Bridge and press briefly once. This removes WiFi credentials.
Factory reset: insert the end of a paperclip into the hole on the back of the Bridge and hold and press for 5 seconds. This removes WiFi credentials and any firmware updates.
Reset a Gateway Puck
Push the Puck, rotate to the Settings (Gear) Menu and push to select. Then rotate to "Forget WiFi", push to select, confirm if asked, and wait for the Puck to restart.
Reset a Sensor Puck
Push the Puck, rotate to the Settings (Gear) Menu and push to select. Then rotate to "Unlink Gateway", push to select, confirm if asked, and wait for the Puck to restart.
Reset a Smart Vent
Remove the batteries, wait 60 seconds for the capacitors to drain, and then replace the batteries. See Reset a Smart Vents for resetting wired Smart Vents.