Home statistics frequency



  • Official comment
    James C.

    Don Glasgow, Sal

    I'm not aware of any changes in this regard.  In order to see the finest granularity of data please make sure you are looking at the graph in no more than a 2-hour period.  


    The Flair Team

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    Don Glasgow


    Thanks for responding, but I am still seeing the same behavior. Whether viewing a 2-hour span, or a 1-hour span, my data samples are just over 5 minutes apart. I would be happy to send you screen shots, but I can't find a way to do that within this forum. Something has definitely changed.


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    agreed, same issue. They changed it, and I agree, i'm having a hard time diagnosing the plots.
    You have to 'zoom in' to a super small timeline to see higher resolution data. so frustrating.  I need to see per minute trend over at least a week timeframe.

    Flair users are often data geeks, know your customers!

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    Is it possible to change the settings to show the finest granularity data for an 8h period instead? 

    I remember it used to be much larger than 2h before, and this new 2h window makes troubleshooting much more difficult.
    I belive its in flair's best interest to give users the ability to adjust their system for themselves as much as possible.

    A wide window like earlier makes this so much easier to see trends.

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