Reorder rooms in Flair app?



  • Official comment
    James C.

    Hi Jeff Day,

    Thank you for this suggestion.  Several other customers have echoed this sentiment as well.

    We have a feature request related to this and I will add your request to that.


    The Flair Team

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    I have had these products since 2018 and wanted this simple “feature” to be able to sort or re-order the rooms. I am starting to think that you are no longer updating your app. The standard response of we will add this to our list of requests seems like those are not really getting addressed. I am feeling like your systems are getting dated now. Please start supporting your apps again.

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    @Flair-Customer-Support it’s been two years since this request. Any update? Could we have it by 2030 or what?

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    Ryan Oberndorf

    +1 for reordering rooms in the app

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    Manny Chavira

    Hi, any update on this. Seems pretty logical to be able to sort vents to a custom order. Not sure why this isn't being prioritized. 

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    While we're looking at reodering the rooms, maybe we could also add more rooms wide.
    Currently its only 3 rooms wide....when we have 22" 1080p monitors. Why set a fixed number of 3, when our screens are so much wider, and our resolutions are so much higher. There's plenty of space for more (5+)

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    Flair Customer

    +1 for both features.

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    James C.

    Several other customers have echoed this sentiment as well.

    We have a feature request related to this and I have added your request.  We cannot guarantee a timeline for implementation but when this is rolled out we will let everyone following this thread know.


    The Flair Team.

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    Chris Kurtis

    Is flair not there, or does flair not care? I have ten vents, an assortment of pucks, bridges, on the verge of getting another 10 vents, but if they can’t do the simple stuff in 3 yrs, what chance do we have for a little more robust progress? Have you spent all your r&d money on which colors to include on your face plates? Cmon guys, make us proud to be your customers.

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    This seems like a relatively feature add...  It's very standard for apps that have these types of lists to allow for reordering via some sort of mechanism like push-and-hold.  Quite disappointing this doesn't exist.

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