8 x 10 Vent?
AnsweredI've been following Flair for months. Although your site says additional sizes will be coming, the number of available sizes has actually gone down. It would have been great to have them for this summer in Texas. I can't wait much longer before committing to a technology. Your competitors have 8 x 10 smart vents in stock. Do you plan to produce that size? If not, there's no point in waiting for your availability.
BTW, it looks more and more like you don't have the money to manufacture more stock and are going out of business.
Official comment
Hi Everyone,
We are taking preorders for 8x10 Smart Vents!
If you order and pay now, you'll get a 10% discount.
We're targeting delivery at the end of March 2024.
We also have 4x14, 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12 Smart Vents in stock!
The Flair Team
Comment actions -
In a separate post I too indicated that the summer cooling season is a high priority for installing Flair vents in our home.
As for the delays due to manufacturing, I worked quite a bit with purchasing people on the IT side. Can't Flair put in place purchase order(s) that allow releases so that smaller and quicker inventory replenishments can be accomplished? The manufacturer gets a fairly large order over a year say, but then fulfills it using smaller runs. Wouldn't this get Flair a good price and at the same time address inventory issues?
Any update on the 8x10 vents? As Brad Goertz mentioned above, these are really common in Texas homes, and we'd love to use your products if they were made available!
Steve R, Flair is keeping track of recommendations emailed to them, so email them and encourage your friends who want this in 8x10 to do the same!
Bert Gonzalez, Flair is keeping track of recommendations emailed to them, so email them and encourage your friends who want this in 8x10 to do the same!
I wish I still had the same amount of enthusiasm but its been 4 years and Flair's only response has more or less been "our competitors don't make one, so neither do we, maybe someday". Looking at their blog and media releases it seems the company is mostly dead in the water, maybe waiting for a buyout offer that never came and now chasing what essentially amounts to marketing and advertising subsidies from partnerships with utility companies, starting in a state with objectively moderate weather. If they really had interest in "meaningful energy reduction while improving comfort in people's lives," they would have focused effecting change in parts of the country where A/C is a necessity for the majority of the year. You can crack a window to cool down most of the year in CA. I can count with my hands the amount of times I've opened a window in TX, and that was because I burned something on the stove.
Back again... so you gonna make an 8x10 or naw? 4 of these would solve my AC balance problems on my second floor. But I'm probably going to end up spending more getting the ducts balanced. Your loss.
A simple "we can't figure out how make an 8x10" would be sufficient or "we aren't going to make one". My guess is they can't stop that volume of air or it whistles... the state of Texas would sell enough to warrant making them.
Cool -
The 8x10 will help some but those in Texas with 8x12 (TX standards) or others that are still unsupported can use our kit.
Additionally those that may have purchased vents a size close like the 6x12 and are looking for an option to support it we will help. We will adjust the size on the fly for the customer. -
Still no 8x10, but good news! They are taking preorders for square vents — which should be great and fit perfectly over my Bathroom Exhaust Fan. Square? Seriously? Literally never seen a square A/C register in my life. Who the hell is doing the market research for this? Oh wait, let me ask that another way… what energy company/market did flair con into selling their products?
Hey Y'all -
This is definitely frustrating to hear. As the owner and operator of a 3D printing business, we have engineered trim kits for the Flair vents. Our standard kit fits the 6x12 Flair smart vents but we can accommodate any of their models and all the vent’s provided hardware. It is made of a tough material that will withstand harsh indoor or outdoor environments. As a bonus, we offer it in over a dozen colors. We can also provide it with either a rounded edge or a squared edge.
fredgarza210HobbyBillNick S and othersFor more information please send us a message at info@empyrean3d.com
Chris Naivar
We can make the trim kit for you that allows the 8x10 to fit in Texas vents. We can adjust for any Flair vent size.
empyrean3d.etsy.com -
Thank you for reaching out. I saw the printer flair option, but I am really needing 8x10 for a 4000ft2 house. We have 20 8x10 throughout the house and would need to maintain the proper flow rate throughout. I am worried that the reduction of 200in2 on each register could have a major effect. It would be a great option for even the hot and cold areas of a specific room in the larger rooms to be able to easily adjust.
Technically adding the vent itself is intended to restrict airflow to individual rooms or sections to adjust for individual zone temps. The trim kits will not affect airflow in a noticeable way. +/- 1-2%.
Smaller openings would increase the speed of the air slightly. Total change should not exceed .5in for each side and will not create any back pressure.
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