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    Flair Customer Support

    Hi Everyone,

    We are taking preorders for 8x10 Smart Vents!

    If you order and pay now, you'll get a 10% discount.

    We're targeting delivery at the end of March 2024.

    We also have 4x14, 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12 Smart Vents in stock!


    The Flair Team

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    Eric Thomas

    I'm also in Texas with 8x10 vents in the majority of the house, so I'm holding off on buying more vents until I can get an 8x10.

    For one of my rooms, I bought the Keen trim kit for 8x10 (KHTRMKT810) to use with a Flair 6x10 .  The colors are a near identical white.  The width fit fine, but I had to trim out 1/8" from each of the length sides. The Flair unit has a sufficient edge overhang to cover up my messy trim job, so when installed, it looks good (vent in trim kit).  This would have been a bit difficult without a router and willingness to shard off metal, so not for everyone and not something I want to do again for multiple vents. But for those willing, it is possible and will look fine.


    Also, yes, I realize there may be a flow design mismatch between a 8x10 duct and a 6x10 vent. I'm using this in a small room where the duct is oversized for the space.

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    Jeremy Granger

    Also in Texas and the combo of 8x4, 8x10, 8x12 would allow me to convert my whole house. I would settle for an adapter frame to be able to put smaller but similar sized vents in. Unfortunately, right now I cannot use any of the sizes available and thus can't become a customer, even though I want to.

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    Brad Goertz

    Would really love this as well, being that it seems to be very common in Texas homes, along with 4x8 in bathrooms. At the moment I cannot purchase any vents from Flair because none of their sizes match the ducts in my home.

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    Thomas Greiser

    haha, the square has never been a setup I had in any of our houses, not in Texas and neither in NY. I'm out, waited 4+ years to get them, not in the market any longer. Seems like you guys will be missing out on the whole state of Texas, the state with the fastest new housing developments anywhere in the states.

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    Mickey Molad

    Yes please.

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    Yes - 8x12 please

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    Eric Thomas

    Why not provide adaptor plates like keen does? I adapted one of theirs to fit a flair unit and it works great.

    I don't think there is pent up demand for additional smart vent sizes. There is pent-up demand for solutions to install your existing smart vets in various size ducts. It would seem to be much less costly solution just provide adapters. Yes, you may lose some flow but it's negligible in my experience.

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    Alfredo Garza

    Very interesting that after all these years and the size of Texas' growing consumer base, they still don't have the larger sizes. Either a bean counter is saying "Texas isn't a big market for us" not realizing that the lack of appropriately sized vents is the reason, the expected lift in sales doesn't offset the cost, or there is a design issue when they get to the larger vent.

    Oh well... maybe smart dampers is a better solution.

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    Trevor Duguay

    Same here in Texas. Brand new house. Phase 1 would be SEVEN 8x10 vents plus one puck with an optional SIX more 8x10 vents in phase 2. What's the word Flair?

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    Darien Sokolov

    @Burt Reich, thanks for the update!

    Can you confirm that 8x10 size is not planned for this year?
    A post by @James Clarke last month says that 8x10 is planned for this year.

    There are many potential customers waiting for 8x10 sizes for the past several years.
    You can see public commentary on this in these forums and on the Flair Facebook page.

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    Trevor Duguay

    Thomas Greiser Exactly! With widely variable temperature ranges, larger than average homes, open concept designs and silly builder spec HVAC implementations, I'm sitting amongst thousands of houses with guaranteed hot and cold zones. I'm struggling to understand how this market opportunity isn't of interest, let alone a priority for Flair. BWR - Flair what's the gotcha that makes it make sense not to build for the Texas market?

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    Eric Thomas

    This is great to hear Mathew! I do not own a 3D printing business, but I looked into doing this a while back. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone stepped up. Thanks for doing this.

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    Isidro Garcia

    Can we get an update on 8x10 and 8x12 sizes? I would love to use these in my Texas home

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    More feedback here requesting Texas sized 8x10 and 8x12 vents. Or a trim kit. 

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    Michael Taggart

    +1 we have a lot of 8x10 and 8x12 vents in our house.

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    Andi Anderson

    The non-response from this company is disconcerting. Doesn't give me warm fuzzies to see this is what their customer support is. :/

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    Yanier Alvarez

    Hello, I am also interested in 8x12. Can some one please provide an update on these? Thank you Flair Customer Support

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    All those new sizes and NONE are used in any house I've been in.

    All vents i see have been rectangular

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    Darien Sokolov

    Flair Customer Support 

    BWR - Flair 

    The response is appreciated; however, would Flair be open to the idea of experimenting with something like pre-orders?

    This would allow Flair to survey their audience to poll for interest, communicate a commitment to expanding the product line, AND secure business transactions & customers in the meantime!

    Maybe something to think about?

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    Jason Russell

    Excited to hear about the 12x12's. I have two in my house and one of them is a priority vent for using a Flair vent. Agreed with previous comments though, an adapter seems easier, less expensive and quicker to design/deploy than whole new registers. Either way, if the time-table holds, I'll be happy.

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    Paul Wooten

    Yes please, 8x12 smart vents or trim kits!!!

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    Jimmy Devine

    I am also in TX with 8x10 vents

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    Jaime Botero

    All my house vents are 8x12, I am in Texas

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    Mathew Baldwin

    Hey Y'all - 

    This is definitely frustrating to hear. As the owner and operator of a 3D printing business, we have engineered an alternative for the 8x12 trim kits. It fits the 6x12 smart vents and can use all the vent’s provided hardware.  It is made of a tough material that will withstand harsh indoor or outdoor environments. As a bonus, we offer it in over a dozen colors.

    Our product will go live in the next couple of days. 

    For more information or to pre-order please send us a message at

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    Any possiblity of getting an 8 x 12 vent size? or trim kit?

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    I just pre-ordered a 12 x 12. So excited! I still need three 8x14s and then my entire system will be converted to Flair. Any updates on additional rectangle sizes coming down the pipeline? Or a chance for different vent cover sizes for adaptability? I understand not wanting to restrict airflow, but is a 1 inch difference really going to be that much of a game changer? 🤔

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    Paul Wooten

    Can't wait to get mine and finally install the vents without a headache in the process.
    These kits will install as quickly as you can turn a screwdriver or trigger on your Milwaukee / Dewalt

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    Mathew Baldwin

    Hey all - Here is an image of our prototype installed. Please reach out to if you are interested in the 6x12 trim kit production sales will be available in a couple of days.  Follow our store at to be notified of the new product releases. 

    Edit: As long as the mounting holes in the ceiling align to the Flair vents holes then we can design a trim kit for you.

    We will be offering it in a curved edge similar to what is seen in the image or a straight edge. Your choice.

    Based on interest we may also offer larger sizes.

    *Edit: Flair does not offer an 8x12 Flair vent yet. This is a typo. Our trim kits support all existing Flair smart vent models and will be updated as new versions release.


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    Mathew Baldwin


    We can also make the kit for the 12x12

    The max we can make the vent kit is left to right 15 inches. The outer flange.


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