Only a single room active which is 1 degree below its target, flair still starts cooling



  • Official comment
    James C.

    Hi Sarah Henkens,

    Thank you for writing in and for the great self-diagnosis.

    We have created a ticket and someone from our support team will contact you shortly about your back pressure settings.


    The Flair Team.


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    Sarah Henkens

    The office is also not closing its vent because "back pressure protect is active, no further smart vents will be closed." This is causing the office always to be overcooled. 

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    Sarah Henkens

    Found the randomly cooling issue. I still had the ecobee hold schedule incorrectly configured.

    The back pressure issue still remains. It always keep my active office open while there are 5 other rooms upstairs that remain inactive but 5 degrees hotter and closed. 

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    for your back pressure thing, ask through a support ticket for change in dump air to innactive rooms instead of active. I know, it's silly they hold all the best setting parameters to themselves.

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