There are two approaches you can take to manually control the opening and closing of your Smart Vent(s):
- Via the Vent Slider in the Room Tile (recommended)
- Toggling the Active/Inactive status of the room (not generally recommended)
Via the Vent Slider in the Room Tile
When the System is set to Manual (not Auto) or the Flair Room has no temperature-sensing device in it a Vent Slider (shown below ) is presented that allows you to manually open or close your Smart Vent. Please Note: It may take 30-60 seconds for the vent to actually open or close once the command is sent.
If you want to control some Smart Vents manually like this while the rest work via the Flair Automation you will need to assign the vents you want to control manually to a Flair room with no temperature-sensing devices assigned to it. See examples below. This will ensure these Smart Vents can be controlled manually.
Note: While operating Vents manually does not require a Puck (or other temperature-sensing device) in the room, you will need at least one Bridge or Gateway Puck online in your Flair home to communicate the open and close commands to these Smart Vents.
Using Active/Inactive (generally not recommended)
Setting a room to Inactive will by default attempt to close the Vent. We cannot guarantee that Smart Vent will close due to back pressure protections that are in place and designed to protect your HVAC equipment.
Similarly, setting a room to Active will not necessarily result in the Smart Vent opening. Setting it to active simply tells Flair to evaluate the temperature and set point for the room and allow the automation to determine whether the Smart Vent should be open or closed.
This is why we generally do not recommend using the Active/Inactive toggle for this purpose.