- Room Tile Basics
- Room Tile Controls and Status for Pucks and Smart Vents
- Room Tile Controls and Status for Mini Splits and IR Devices
Room Tile Basics
- Room Name: to change tap the 3-dot menu and go to Settings->Room Info
- Set Point: current room set point
- Room Temperature: room temperature is updated about every 60 seconds - if there are more than one temperature sensing devices in the room, Flair will display the average temperature reading
- Mode Indicator: the color of the set point circle, slider and icon will change to indicate the current mode (blue snowflake for cooling and orange flame for heating)
- Room Status: lets you know the current Active / Inactive status of the room whether set by a schedule, room sensor occupancy, or by adjusting the set point through the app or the Puck
- 3-Dot Menu: tap to view room statistics and manage room settings (change room name, manage zones or devices, or delete the room)
- Set Point Slider: drag the slider to adjust the room set point - this will create a hold and the default hold duration is "Until next schedule event" (this can be changed in Home Settings->System Settings)
- Hold Button: tap to clear or adjust the room hold
- Humidity: humidity is updated about every 60 seconds - if there are more than one humidity sensing devices in the room, Flair will display the average humidity reading
- Active Toggle: tap to set the room Active or Inactive
Room Tile Status for Pucks and Smart Vents
- Puck Online Status: indicates a Puck's online / offline status
- Vent Online Statue: indicates a Vent's online / offline status
- Vent Reason: explains why a Vent is opened or closed
- Gateway Puck WiFi Signal Strength: Gateway Pucks are connected to WiFi and this icon represents the current WiFi signal strength (more bars = stronger signal)
- Sensor Puck RF Signal Strength: Sensor Pucks are connected to Gateway Pucks via RF (radio frequency) signals and this icon represents the current RF signal strength (more bars = stronger signal)
- Vent RF Signal Strength: Vents are connected to Gateway Pucks via RF (radio frequency) signals and this icon represents the current RF signal strength (more bars = stronger signal)
Room Tile Status for Thermostats
- Thermostat Status: current mode of your thermostat
- Thermostat Online Status: current online / offline status of the thermostat
Room Tile Controls and Status for Mini Splits and IR Devices
- Mini Split Status: explains the current status and mode of mini split
- Mini Split Controls: Flair will display the controls supported by your mini split or IR device
Room Tile Controls and Status for Secondary Heat
- Mini Split Status: current status of the mini split
- Mini Split Controls: Flair will display the controls supported by your mini split
- Thermostat Status: current status of the thermostat as a secondary heat source
- Thermostat Online Status: current online / offline status of the thermostat