Turning an HVAC system on/off every time the room temperature changed slightly would be noisy, uncomfortable, and could affect the health of the system.
All thermostats maintain a range of about 1F around the set point. This is called a hysteresis band, or maintenance band. It prevents excessive wear and tear on your HVAC equipment, and Flair follows this industry standard as well.
Flair uses a hysteresis band of 1F above and below a set point. This applies to the home set point, room set points and scheduled set points. Flair uses this band to determine when to open/close Smart Vents to keep the room within a 1F range around the set point. Flair also uses it to adjust your integrated smart thermostat when Flair is the Set Point Controller to keep the average temperature of Active rooms within a 1F range of their set points.
If you would like to adjust this temperature band, please contact Support and indicate that you're requesting a "custom hysteresis band" and whether you’d like a tighter band (changes made sooner) or wider band (changes made less frequently).