When using Flair Puck Pros as Integrated Controls, the Secondary Heat Setup Wizard will guide you through configuring the Secondary Heat settings for Integrated Controls
The wizard will automatically appear at the conclusion of Setup if the following devices have been added:
- At least one Puck Pro and...
- At least one integrated smart thermostat and...
- At least one mini split
If you select "NO" at the end of Setup, you can access the wizard later via the PLUS menu.
If you're not seeing "Configure Secondary Heat" in the PLUS menu, check the following:
- All Pucks are displaying the "Pro" badge in the app
- A smart thermostat is integrated with Flair
- You've added at least one mini split to Flair
- Flair’s Set Point Controller setting is set to “Flair App”
Secondary Heat Wizard Flow
The wizard will assist in configuring each smart thermostat in the Flair home to configure it for Secondary Heat.
- Select a thermostat to configure for Secondary Heat.
- The wizard will ensure all Pucks are Puck Pros. If there is at least one Puck that is not a Puck Pro, then you will be prompted to write in to our Support Team to get the Puck(s) converted to a Puck Pro.
- The wizard will ensure the Set Point Controller setting is set to "Flair App". Flair must be able to control the smart thermostat(s). If Set Point Controller is set to "Thermostat", the wizard will prompt you to change it.
- The wizard will assist with associating rooms and zones. Each room with mini splits must be associated with a smart thermostat "zone". The wizard will prompt you to assign rooms to zones - and will require each smart thermostat set up for Secondary Heat to have at least one room with a mini split in its zone. Otherwise, an error will be shown and you will not be allowed to proceed.
- Finally, the wizard will ask which secondary heat settings you'd like to apply to the smart thermostat: mode, trigger, and temperature settings.
Note: the temperature settings must be at least 5F apart and no more than 20F apart.