Flair's Auto Dry Mode requires the following for each mini split:
- A Puck Pro as the controller puck for the mini split
- The mini split supports Dry mode
- The Flair code set being used for this mini split contains Dry Mode commands
- Flair's mode is set to Cool or Auto Heat/Cool*
When enabled, and the above conditions are met, Auto Dry Mode will monitor the humidity in your room and will engage the mini splits Dry Mode function when the humidity reading exceeds your user-defined max humidity. Dry mode will attempt to lower the humidity readings in the room to 3% below the max threshold, and when it reaches this level the mini split will resume normal operation.
*Humidity management is intended to work with a mini split's cooling function and isn't available when heating is required - or if Mode is set to off.
Humidity Settings
To see or adjust Auto Dry Mode settings:
- Tap the Flair menu, and go to Home Settings->Mini Splits, Window Units and Portables
- Tap to expand the mini split that you want to enable Auto Dry Mode for
- Tap Enable Dry Mode
- Set the Max Humidity percentage
By default, Dry Mode will turn on when the room humidity is higher than the Max Humidity, and turn off when the room humidity is 3% lower than the Max Humidity.
The 3% default can be changed by a request to the Support team. The value range is 3-10%.
In the example below, Flair will turn on Dry Mode when the room humidity rises above 40% and turn off when the room humidity drops to 37%.
Temperature Control
In some cases, while dry mode is active a room can get too warm or too cold. Flair will interrupt Auto Dry Mode activities if the room temperature gets 3°F above or below the set point for the room. This 3°F value can be changed by a member of the Flair Technical Support Team. Please contact us if believe a change to this default would be beneficial for your system.
When the room temperature exceeds this threshold the priority shifts to getting the room temps stabilized and once this is done Auto Dry Mode can resume if needed.
If a room gets too hot while Auto Dry Mode is active Flair will switch to Cool mode and try to cool the room down more quickly.
If a room gets too cold while Auto Dry Mode is active and Flair is in Auto Heat/Cool Flair will interrupt Auto Dry Mode, put Flair in Cool mode and in theory this should stop any further cooling in the room.
Smart Away
If your Flair Home has Smart Away enabled, Flair will turn on Dry Mode only when all of the following conditions are met:
- Your Home is set Away or the room with the mini split is set Inactive
- The room temperature is within the Smart Away bounds
- The room humidity has gone above the Max Humidity value
Once on, Flair will turn off Dry Mode when the room humidity drops 3% below the Max Humidity value.
Note: If you would like a percentage other than 3%, please write to Support and ask for the Humidity Hysteresis to be changed. The available humidity hysteresis range is 3-10%.