Away Settings dictate how Flair will behave when your Flair home is set to Away or when a room containing a mini split or other IR-controlled device is set to Inactive.
Flair's Away Settings options are available in the Home Settings -> Away Settings tab.
There are two "Away Mode" options
Off Only
Off Only for Mini Splits & other IR-controlled devices
When your Flair home is set to Away or the room a mini split or other IR device is assigned to is set to Inactive Flair will turn off the mini splits or other IR devices in that room.
Off Only for Central Systems
When your Flair home is set to Away, Smart Vents will stay in their current positions and...
- If Set Point Controller is "Flair App", your smart thermostat-controlled system will not actively heat or cool
- If Set Point Controller is set to Thermostat, Flair will use your smart thermostat Away values to control the home temperature
Smart Away
Smart Away for Mini Splits
When your Flair home is set to Away or the room a mini split is assigned to is set to Inactive Flair will turn off mini split(s). This behavior is the same as with the "Off Only" Away Mode.
The additional benefit of using the "Smart Away" Away Mode is that Flair will turn your mini splits On and Off as temps stray outside of your defined Smart Away Minimum and Smart Away Maximum bounds.
Please note the following:
- When Flair is in Auto Heat/Cool mode the Smart Away Max and Smart Away Min will be used to keep the home in the defined range.
- When Flair is in Cool mode the Smart Away Max will ensure the home does not exceed the Smart Away Max value established by the user. The Smart Away Min will not be used because when Flair is in Cool mode heating cannot occur.
- When Flair is in Heat mode the Smart Away Min will ensure the home does not drop below the Smart Away Min value established by the user. The Smart Away Max will not be used because when Flair is in Heat mode cooling cannot occur.
Using Smart Away to achieve low set points
Our code sets generally offer set points down to 64 or 65°F. If you want to keep a room colder than that we recommend using Smart Away and setting a Smart Away Minimum value that will ensure your mini split kicks on when it gets below that value. This will allow Flair to control the mini split to achieve the desired temperature for that room. This of course dictates that the room is set to Inactive.
Smart Away for Central Systems
When your Flair home is set to Away
- If you are using a non-integrated thermostat, Flair won't be able to control your thermostat, but it will operate Smart Vents to attempt to keep rooms within the Smart Away Min and Max.
- If Set Point Controller is "Thermostat", Flair uses your smart thermostat Away values to control the home temperature
- If Set Point Controller is "Flair App" then how Smart Away works depends on the Mode your Flair system is in.
- When Flair is in Auto Heat/Cool mode the Smart Away Max and Smart Away Min will be used to keep the home in the defined range.
- When Flair is in Cool mode the Smart Away Max will ensure the home does not exceed the Smart Away Max value established by the user. The Smart Away Min will not be used because when Flair is in Cool mode heating cannot occur.
- When Flair is in Heat mode the Smart Away Min will ensure the home does not drop below the Smart Away Min value established by the user. The Smart Away Max will not be used because when Flair is in Heat mode cooling cannot occur.
Flair will initially set your thermostat to the Min or Max and then adjust your smart thermostat to keep your home from going outside the Smart Away Max or Min as appropriate
When your Flair home is set Home
- When using SPC = Flair App, if any Inactive room goes outside the Smart Away max or min, Flair will include that room in its comfort calculations and operate Smart Vents in that room to help bring the temps in that room back within the Smart Away bounds.