This article applies when adding a Bridge or Gateway Puck to Flair and connecting it to your home WiFi.
If you don't see your WiFi network during Flair Setup, try these troubleshooting steps.
- Google Pixel Phones
- No 2.4 GHz Networks
- Display HIdden Networks
- Use the Flair Webapp
- Stuck on "Scanning"
- Check your Router Settings
- Older Puck Versions
Google Pixel Phones
You may not see any available networks if you're using a Google Pixel phone. Try setup on a WiFi-connected laptop or computer and go to
No 2.4 GHz Networks
During Setup, Flair will only display available 2.4 GHz networks. Flair will not display 5.0 GHz networks.
Most routers will allow you to broadcast both a 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz network. Check to see if your network is broadcasting a 2.4 GHz network. If not, enable the 2.4 GHz network and make sure it is named differently than the 5.0 GHz network.
Display Hidden Networks
If you have a hidden network, make it visible during WiFI Setup.
Use the Flair Webapp
Try performing Flair Setup using a browser on a WiFi-connected laptop or desktop by going to Reset your Flair Bridge or Gateway Puck before retrying Setup:
- To reset the Bridge, push the end of a paperclip into the reset hole in back of the Bridge and press for 5 seconds
- To reset the Gateway Puck, enter the Puck menus and perform a "Forget WiFi" in the Settings menu
Stuck on "Scanning"
If the WiFi Setup has been stuck on “Scanning…” for more than a few minutes, close and re-open the Flair app. If you're on a browser at, then refresh the browser page.
Check your Router Settings
There should be no captive portal or port blocking on your selected network.
A captive portal is used at hotels, airports and other public spaces to gate-keep the network. To access the network, a sign in page will be displayed. These networks are not supported by Flair.
Make sure that IP isolation or client isolation is turned OFF on your WiFi router.
Older Puck Versions
If you're having WiFi setup issues and have a Puck shipped before August 2017, please contact Support and tell us you have an "older Puck with WiFi issues".