- Overview
- Active Room
- Inactive Room
- Active Switch
- Home/Away
- Scheduling Rooms Active/Inactive
- Using Active/Inactive Rooms Effectively
Rooms can be set as Active or Inactive in a few different ways:
- Using the "Active" switch on the room tile
- Using a Flair schedule
- Using Home or Away
- Remote sensor occupancy (Flair can receive occupancy updates from ecobee and Honeywell T9/T10 room sensors)
Active Room
Flair will follow set points, holds, and schedules in an Active room. For systems with an integrated smart thermostat using Flair as the Set Point Controller, Active rooms will be used in calculating the home average.
In this example, Joe toggled the room to Active at 2:29 PM. The mini split turned on and is holding at 69F.
Inactive Room
Flair does not maintain set points, holds, or schedules in Inactive rooms. For systems with an integrated smart thermostat using Flair as the Set Point Controller, Inactive rooms will not be used in the comfort calculations for the zone.
For mini splits, Flair will follow the Away Settings defined for your Flair system.
For central systems, Flair will, by default, try to close Smart Vents in Inactive rooms. If a Smart Vent in an Inactive room is not closed it is likely due to back pressure protection.
In this example, the Bedroom was set to Inactive by a scheduled event at 7:00 AM. The Away Settings for this home are set to "Off Only" so the mini split is turned off when the room was set to Inactive.
Active Switch
Toggle the Active switch on a room tile to set a room to Active or Inactive.
Note that the "Active" label does not change. The text description below the label describes the last action that was taken to set the room Active or Inactive. It may indicate an occupancy event, an Active toggle, or Home/Away status.
Flair's Home/Away Mode controls how Flair determines if your Flair home is set Home or Away. When a home is set Away, all rooms are set Inactive.