Allow Flair to Adjust This Thermostat
This setting is available for integrated smart thermostats.
Disabled: Flair can not write to a disabled thermostat
Enabled: Flair can write to an enabled thermostat.
Note: If Set Point Controller is set to "Flair App" this needs to be enabled.
Ignore Thermostat Readings
This setting is available for homes with an integrated smart thermostat.
This can only be changed by a member of the Flair Technical Support Team. If you wish to set Flair to ignore the temperatures read by your thermostat please contact us and we can set this up for you.
Disabled: Flair will use the thermostat temperature readings.
Enabled: Flair will ignore the thermostat temperature readings.
A room containing an ignored thermostat will display an icon.
A room containing no temperature sensor will display "NO DATA".
System Capabilities
This setting must be set to reflect what the HVAC system is capable of doing. Setting system capabilities incorrectly can have unpredictable results.
Smart + non-smart vents used by this Thermostat
This is the total number of vents in your home that are controlled by this thermostat. The total includes both Flair Smart Vents and non-smart vents.
Flair uses this number for its Back Pressure Protection (Flair will not close more than 1/3 of total vents in a system.) We recommend that this number accurately reflects the total number of vents in your home.
HVAC System Delivery Type
The type of system controlled by this thermostat.
Secondary Heat Mode
This setting is available when using Puck Pros as integrated controls to intelligently switch between two heating systems. Integrated controls are part of some rebate programs.
Secondary Heat Trigger
This setting is available when using Puck Pros as integrated controls.
Describes the trigger used for switching between heat systems.
Indoor Temperature
This setting is available when using Puck Pros as integrated controls.
Defines the indoor temperature droop used for switching between heating systems.
Outdoor Temperature
This setting is available when using Puck Pros as integrated controls.
Defines the outdoor cutover and cutback temperatures for switching between heating systems.
Primary Heat Cutoff Delay
This setting is available when using Puck Pros as integrated controls.
Defines how long Flair should keep mini splits running after switching to backup heat. This allows some heating systems time to warm up.