4x14 vent request
Hello. I read in a thread that more requests may lead to future sizes. I have mostly 4x14 registers and do not want to have to change my thermostat in order to get the Keen system. I like the flair better but currently it does not make sense to go with the Flair. I will be purchasing a whole house system in the next couple months and right now the only system i can go with is the Keen. I registered my account just to ask you this - Please release a 4x14 register so i can give you my money. Thanks
Official comment
Hi Everyone,
We are taking preorders for 8x10 Smart Vents!
If you order and pay now, you'll get a 10% discount.
We're targeting delivery at the end of March 2024.
We also have 4x14, 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12 Smart Vents in stock!
The Flair Team
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Hi Ric Dean,
Thanks for writing in!
One thing to add here - let's make sure you are measuring properly when determining what size of Flair Smart Vent you need. Our Smart Vent sizes refer to the size of the duct opening the Vent fits into and not the size of the register cover.
Please see this short video for details on how to get an accurate measurement: https://support.flair.co/hc/en-us/articles/360000532471-How-do-I-measure-my-vents-
Flair Technical Support
Of course. I have been reading the forums paying attention to this for a while. I have seen you post this exact thing in almost every thread asking about register sizes so I am sure that i measured the vent size correctly by removing the register and measuring the duct. I registered just to put in another request. Thanks, excited for the new release.
Chrissie Do you work for Flair and is this an official response?
I'm excited to see there is the potential for more sizes. Hopefully, 8x10 (standard rooms) and 4x8 (bathrooms, closets, and laundry rooms) are also being considered. Those are very common sizes in Texas and I've even had a couple of friends who happened to see my posts on similar threads requesting these sizes (people I haven't spoken to about this at all who also happened to be in the market for a smart vent product).
Yes I work for the company as Ric Dean noted :)
4x14 tooling is finished (assuming our testing of the 4x14s goes well and we don't need to tweak anything, testing is underway).
We have been working through 12x12s, 10x10x and 8x8s as well although from our internal request tracking, it does seem like 8x10s are a bit more common than 8x8s so maybe we'll just tool up both. Do you think 4x8s for small rooms are really worth it? If so, its actually pretty easy to set up since its just making vents shorter, we just always wondered if it made sense for small spaces...?
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