Set Point Controller (SPC) Overview
The Set Point Controller (aka SPC) setting is located in the Home Settings -> System Settings tab.
The SPC setting is used to determine whether you want Flair to write set points to your thermostat (i.e be involved in the heating and cooling decisions for your home) or whether you want to leave that up to your thermostat. The two choices for this setting are "Thermostat" and "Flair App".
When setting up Flair for the first time we recommend that you use the SPC = "Thermostat" option. This will allow you to get familiar with your new system, and how it works. If after a week or two you believe the system could be performing better we encourage you to consider the SPC = "Flair App" option. We will outline the basics of each below.
Please note that no matter what Set Point Controller option you choose Flair will continue to operate Smart Vents and manage airflow.
Set Point Controller (SPC) Thermostat explained
When SPC is set to "Thermostat" you will configure and use Flair to control the Smart Vents in your home and manage the airflow. The heating and cooling decisions will be made by your thermostat. You should set up a schedule on your thermostat and make all set point and mode changes directly on your smart thermostat or smart thermostat app. Flair will read and apply these changes to your Flair home as follows:
- Set point changes read from the thermostat are applied to Active rooms if there is not already a higher priority hold in place.
- If you have created a Flair schedule and also have a schedule on your smart thermostat the set points from Flair's schedule will be used to dictate when you want Smart Vents to open and close and the set points from the smart thermostat's schedule will be used to inform the thermostats heating and cooling decisions.
Set Point Controller (SPC) Flair App explained
When the Set Point Controller is "Flair App" you will see the home set point setting available via the Control Bar in the Flair app. This is not visible when the SPC is set to "Thermostat".
When using the SPC = "Flair App" option you should not make set point or mode changes on your Smart Thermostat as these will interfere with Flair and will likely be overwritten by Flair.
You should also remove or disable any schedules that are in place on your Smart Thermostat so that they do not conflict with Flair's efforts to manage the set points on your thermostat. Please see the notes below for tips on removing/disabling a schedule on your smart thermostat.
When using the SPC = "Flair App" option we recommend creating a schedule in Flair that sets rooms Inactive when they are not typically used such as a Kitchen at night or a Bedroom during the day. When a room is set to Inactive Flair disregards that room when making comfort calculations for the zone. This allows Flair and your thermostat to target the heating and cooling activities to the active rooms and generally promotes comfort and efficiency.
Follow these instructions to remove/disable your smart thermostat schedule.
For Nest thermostats:
- Disable the schedule
- Disable Smart Recovery
- Disable eco modes
- Disable any advanced features that change the set point on your smart thermostat
For Honeywell thermostats:
- Disable the schedule
- Disable any advanced features that change the set point on your smart thermostat
For ecobee thermostats:
- For each Comfort Setting please deselect all ecobee sensors from participation
- Set the ecobee "Hold Duration" setting to "Until you change it"
- Set eco+ to "Disabled indefinitely" - this is necessary because the eco+ features will interfere with Flair's attempts to manage the comfort in your home.
- If Flair's Away Settings are set to "App Geolocation" or "Manual", then disable the ecobee "Smart Home/Away" setting
- Disable any advanced features that change the set point on your smart thermostat