- Overview
- Inactive Rooms with IR Devices
- Inactive Rooms with Smart Vents
- Prioritizing Rooms with Active/Inactive
- Rental Property and AirBnB Options
- Remote Sensor Occupancy
Setting rooms Active and Inactive is an important and powerful feature in Flair. It's the way you tell Flair which rooms it should prioritize when controlling the temperature in your home and which rooms Flair should prioritize for back pressure protection.
Setting a room to Active means you want Flair to actively manage the temperature in that room. Fewer rooms marked as Active may help to save energy as the system will focus on a smaller percentage of the home.
Setting a room to Inactive generally means you do not want Flair to actively manage the temperature in that room.
A room can be set to Active/Inactive in a few ways:
- Setting a system Home or Away
- Toggling the switch on the room tile in the Flair app
- From a schedule event
- Using the Puck menu
Note: Keep in mind that sometimes it could be advantageous to set an occupied room INACTIVE so Flair will concentrate on other rooms.
Inactive for Rooms with IR Devices
When a room with a mini split, window unit, or portable is set to Inactive, Flair will follow the Away Settings.
Inactive for Rooms with Smart Vents
Airflow Control
Flair will open and close Smart Vents in Active rooms to actively manage the temperatures in those rooms. Flair will try to close Smart Vents in Inactive rooms to avoid actively heating/cooling them.
Set Point Control
When using an integrated Smart Thermostat, if you have Flair as the Set Point Controller, Flair will evaluate whether it needs to nudge the smart thermostat's set point up or down by examining the temperature in Active rooms.
Note: Setting rooms to artificially low temperatures will not exclude these rooms from the evaluation. We recommend setting or scheduling rooms that you are not actively using to Inactive.
Prioritizing Rooms with Active/Inactive
Flair's scheduling feature allows for rooms to be set to Active or Inactive at different times, on different days and in different rooms, and in any combination.
We suggest creating a schedule that sets rooms to Active or Inactive based on how you use your home.
You'll want to schedule rooms you are actively using to Active and rooms you are not actively using - or do not need to be actively temperature-controlled - to Inactive.
Common examples:
- Schedule bedrooms Inactive during the day and Active at night
- Schedule living areas Active during the day and Inactive at night (living rooms, offices, playrooms, etc)
- Schedule infrequently used rooms (a basement or guest room) to always be Inactive - and rotate the Puck or use the Flair app to set a temperature when in use. This creates a room hold that will override the Inactive state. To adjust the hold duration for the amount of time you will be using the room, tap the blue Hold notification in the room tile in the Flair app.
Rental Property and AirBnB Options
If you have a rental property or AirBnB, and want the system to normally be off unless somebody adjusts the Puck, create an Inactive Schedule Event that spans all rooms, all days, and the whole day (we recommend setting 12:00 am for the start and end time).
This allows guests to rotate the Puck to set a temperature. This creates a Hold that overrides the Inactive state. When guests leave, you can remotely clear the hold to allow the room(s) to resume their Inactive state.
If you opt for this, we have two recommendations:
- Set "Away Mode" to "Smart Away". This prevents rooms from getting too hot or too cold when the home is set to Away
- Set the "Default Hold Duration" to "Forever". This allows your guest's temperature settings to permanently override the Inactive state for the duration of their stay
Remote Sensor Occupancy
When using Flair's Remote Sensor Occupancy feature, create a schedule that sets rooms with remote sensors to Inactive that spans all days and the entire day (we recommend setting 12:00 am for the start and end time). This will allow occupancy to set the room Active when in use and then revert to Inactive when not in use.