How does Flair Remote Sensor Occupancy work?
Flair can read the occupancy status from the following:
- integrated ecobee thermostats and their remote sensors
- Honeywell Smart Room Sensors paired with integrated Honeywell T9 and T10 thermostats.
Note: Flair Pucks do not sense occupancy.
To use the occupancy feature of integrated smart thermostats and their remote sensors, enable the "Remote Sensor Occupancy" setting located in the Home Settings -> System Settings tab as shown below.
When remote sensor occupancy is enabled Flair will use the occupancy readings from the thermostat and its remote sensors to set Flair rooms to active or inactive. Remote Sensor Occupancy readings are interrupted by higher priority items such as a scheduled event or a toggle of the room's Active switch.
When disabled, Flair will not use the occupancy readings from the thermostat or its remote sensors.
If you’re using a Flair schedule, leave rooms “blank” (i.e. with no scheduled event) when you want their Active/Inactive status determine by occupancy readings. Note: Active rooms with no scheduled event will use the default home set point.
Timing of Occupancy Readings
Flair receives updates from ecobee and Honeywell thermostats once every 5 minutes. Due to this, there may be a short delay in Flair picking up occupancy changes. This is generally 5 minutes or less.
ecobee room sensors report a room as occupied for 30 minutes after the last motion is detected.
Honeywell T9/T10 room sensors report a room as occupied for at least 10 minutes after the last motion is detected. This timeout increases with more motion in the room.