Puck Name
The name displayed in the Flair app for this Puck.
Assigned to Room
The room that this Puck is assigned to.
The full ID of the Puck.
Display Code
The first four characters of the Puck ID.
Puck Background Color
The background color of the Puck display. Options are White and Black.
Ignore Puck Readings
When this is toggled on Flair will ignore the temperature and humidity readings from this Puck. This toggle is only visible to Installers and Admins. If you wish to have the readings for your puck ignored please contact us - support@flair.co. A puck whose readings are being ignored will display the icon shown below.
Lock Puck
Locking a Puck will prevent someone from rotating the Puck to adjust the set point.
Set Point Limits
Creates upper and lower set point bounds for the Puck. These limit the allowed set points a user can set via the Flair Puck.
Temperature Calibration
Allows calibration of the Puck's temperature sensor.