The Puck has several menus that assist in Puck functions and provide Puck information.
The Mode menu allows you to update the Mode of a Flair home. This is most useful in mini split setups. Please use this with caution if Flair is working alongside your thermostat to control a central system. The Mode can be changed via the Puck but may be overwritten by a smart thermostat. The available modes are Heat, Cool, Auto Heat/Cool, and Off.
Sensor Puck
Note: The top line denotes the current configuration of the Puck: Sensor or Gateway
- Make Gateway: converts a Sensor Puck to a Gateway Puck.
- Unlink Gateway: resets a Sensor Puck by removing its connection from the Bridge or Gateway Puck it was linked to previously.
- Forget WiFi: deletes the WiFi credentials stored in the Puck.
- Scroll Speed: adjusts the scroll speed when navigating through Puck menus. Many users find the Slow setting makes menu navigation easier.
Gateway Puck
Note: The top line denotes the current configuration of the Puck: Sensor or Gateway
- Make Sensor: converts a Gateway Puck to a Sensor Puck.
- Unlink Sensors: removes all links to any Sensor Pucks the Gateway was linked to.
- Forget WiFi: deletes the WiFi credentials stored in the Puck.
- Scroll Speed: adjusts the scroll speed when navigating through Puck menus. Many users find the Slow setting makes menu navigation easier.
- ID: the four-character ID used to identify the Puck.
- Version: displays the version information for this Puck.
- Network: this menu shows the following
- For Gateway Pucks it shows the WiFi status
- For Sensor Pucks it shows the ID of the Flair hub to which it is connected.
- MAC Address: displays the Puck's MAC address.
IR Setup
This menu is used when setting up a mini split that will be controlled by the Puck.