If you have the "System Offline" notification enabled, Flair will send a notification if your Flair system goes offline.
What causes a Flair system to go offline?
When a Flair Hub (Bridge or Gateway Puck) is offline the end devices (Sensor Puck or Smart Vent) connected to it will also go offline. If you have both end devices (Sensor Pucks or Smart Vents) and a Gateway Puck or Bridge offline there is likely an issue with the Gateway Puck or Bridge. See below for suggestions on how to resolve an offline system.
If you only a few end devices going offline see the following article: Puck or Smart Vent is Offline.
Resolving an offline system
Please ensure that the Gateway Puck(s) and Bridge(s) have a good WiFi connection.
If a Puck is not responding to scrolling and button pushes, try the unresponsive Puck troubleshooting steps.
See also Notifications.